Tracey Higgins. The Girl on the Bridge: A Memoir. Amazon 2021.
Richard Forbes Steven, Psychosis Recovery Guide: A Survivor's Handbook to Overcoming Mental Breakdown Amazon 2020
Gerry Pyves. Touching Trauma: Building Resilience. https://www.gerrypyves.com/book
Steven C. Hayes, PhD. A Liberated Mind: How to Pivot Toward What Matters. Amazon
Hahn, Patrick D. Madness and Genetic Determinism: Is Mental Illness in Our Genes? Amazon 1st ed. 2019 Edition. Kindle Edition.
Hahn, Patrick D. Madness and Genetic Determinism: Is mental illness in our genes? New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Prescription for Sorrow: Antidepressants, suicide and violence. Samizdat Health Writer's Co-operative Inc., 2020.
Harrington, Anne. Mind Fixers: Psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental illness. New York: WW Norton, 2019. Highly Recommended. My favorite.
Kusters, Wouter. A Philosophy of Madness: The experience of psychotic thinking. Boston: MIT Press, 2020.
Whitely, Martin. Overprescribing Madness: What’s driving Australia’s mental illness epidemic? Melbourne, Australia: Wilkinson Publishing, 2021.
Ruby, Chuck. Smoke and Mirrors: How you are being fooled about mental illness. Welcome, MD: Clear Publishing, 2020.
Loren R. Mosher, Voyce Hendrix, and Deborah C. Fort. Soteria: Through Madness to Deliverance. Xlibris Corporation, 2004
If anyone has has any books to recommend or articles of interest please send to: traceym.higgins@gmail.com